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Découvre Mugaritz


Mugaritz vanishing points a book which aims to upturn the gastronomic world from a creative point of view


This book is an intimate story about how Mugaritz experiences cooking, using creativity as the most suitable ingredient to inspire, surprise and provoke

Over the course of 294 pages, the latest Mugaritz publication invites us to break the mold and draw the lines of the future. “Far from suggesting a retrospective, we would like to offer our readers stories about the universe we live in, using these two decades to share what we know (or what we think we know), what we don’t know (or what we ask ourselves) and, also, what we dream or imagine”, says Andoni Luis Aduriz.

To rebel or to obey? Is this any good? Who´s in the kitchen? Is there anybody out there? Are there any exits? These are some of the questions that are asked of the reader and that appear in the chapters of this book. Besides translating into words the particular way of being and remaining in this creative eco, this book contains pictures and illustrations, which transform the imaginings of this team to a visual and esthetic level, inviting the reader to delve into, to discover where this flight might take them.

Over the course of 294 pages, there are 50 pictures to eat, 42 images and 22 outlines that have nothing or everything to do with food, five chapters, an incomplete crossword that aims to be completed by somebody, a prayer; tales of kings and princes; beautiful and not so beautiful words that have been spoken of Mugaritz; a glossary which redefines terms that are not always culinary, to face culinary challenges.If there is a sixth flavor, it is the taste of stories. After 21 years on its own path and questioning the limits of gastronomy, Planeta Gastro publishes a new book which tells an intimate story, how cuisine lives and how it makes creativity the optimum vanishing point to project ideas to an unlimited space; launching the challenge of changing realities in food stories, not so much with flavors but with meaning.