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Découvre Mugaritz

I + D

The legacy


In December 2009, the first stone was laid for the Basque Culinary Center (BCC),

the school of culinary sciences that opened its doors in San Sebastian in 2011. At Mugaritz we have always felt at home at the BCC. Since the very beginning, we’ve been sharing our latest developments and techniques with BCC students.

Every year there are several BCC days marked on the calendars of our restaurant staff and R&D team. Through masterclasses led by Andoni Luis Aduriz, symposiums and lectures, we try to share our knowledge with the students at BCC just as we do with the people who come to see what’s going on in our own kitchen, garden and laboratory. It’s very satisfying to see students embrace our techniques and philosophy.

We also work in conjunction with the BCC on projects including Kitchen Dialogues, Brainy Tongue, and the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science (IJGFS), among others.