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Découvre Mugaritz

I + D

The delicate art of improvisation


The bathrooms at Mugaritz are home to a special project featuring the work of two of the best exponents of Basque musical verse, Maialen Lujanbio and Amets Arzallus. 

In a deep-rooted and much revered tradition, bertsolaris perform improvised songs on a wide range of subjects at shows and competitions all over the Basque Country. In front of large audience, a subject is chosen, unleashing a torrent of spontaneous improvised verse in the Basque language.
Following the fire that destroyed Mugaritz in 2010, we invited bertsolaris Maialen Lujanbio and Amets Arzallus to write some playful verses about what men and women think of each other. Afterwards, designer Santos Bregaña used the verses to decorate the bathrooms by displaying them on the walls like toilet graffiti. Here’s a rough translation in English.
I am captivated by the trace of your back on the wall.
The pores of your skin bursting with steam like an Icelandic geyser on a lunar landscape.
Fumum. These bursts of smoke set my insides on fire.
Per-fumum. Glands of wild animals in "Chanel" bottles. One drop behind each ear.

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