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Découvre Mugaritz

I + D

Flysch beltza-Valdorba

Even though, unconsciously, we seek excitement in novelty, there are times where surprises may be unearth among treasures from the past.

Stone is rarely used in dishware design. Its very nature makes it difficult to shape it at will. The porosity on its surface is restrictive with many layouts and the arduous work each and every stone requires, means that large or serial productions are out of the question.  Luckily, there are individuals like Joseba Lekuona who blur the lines the line between passion and madness making the impossible, possible. His model is a hybrid between craftsmanship and innovation which raises his trade to the highest standards of creative processes.

The series flysch beltza features black and white striped pebbles. Unique pieces which have been polished by the ocean tides over the course of centuries in the proximities of Mutriku, a small town on the Bay of Bizcay. The Valdorba series use sandstone boulders found scattered along the valleys of Navarra. Only after a careful observation of the environment, Joseba chooses stones of ultra thin grain with ochre and brownish shades. The result is a smooth surface with a warm and inviting texture.