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Andoni Luis Aduriz will present the documentary 'Snacks, bites of a revolution' at Instituto Cervantes New York


Andoni Luis Aduriz and Joan Roca will present the gastronomic documentary “Snacks, bites of a revolution” in Instituto Cervantes New York on the 14th December at 7pm. 

The 14th of December at 7pm Andoni Luis Aduriz and Joan Roca will present the gastronomic documentary “Snacks, bites of a revolution” in Instituto Cervantes of New York at 7pm on the closing of their winter’s programm. Andoni and Joan are part of the stars of "Snacks, Bites of a Revolution": a group of Spanish chefs that was able to pass on the world their passion for creating freely. What does Nouvelle Cuisine mean to them? What was New Basque Cuisine seeking? How and why did El Bulli break the old rules of play and create a new language in the kitchen that is now spoken worldwide? These are some of the keys that the film discusses. The stars of the latest gastronomic revolution, their colleagues from other countries, and experts who have experienced it from the front line explain why the movement that came from Spain managed to shake the foundations of world cuisine.